Rags to Riches Story : Milton S. Hershey

Shrikanth Hebbar
5 min readJun 16, 2024


Milton S. Hershey

Milton S. Hershey’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming a chocolate magnate is a classic rags-to-riches story. His life story is a shining example of the American Dream, showing how hard work, innovation, and a generous spirit can lead to great success. Milton’s achievements in the confectionery industry not only brought him personal wealth but also made chocolate a beloved treat worldwide.

His legacy continues to inspire entrepreneurs and philanthropists alike, demonstrating that even the simplest of beginnings can lead to extraordinary accomplishments!

Early Life and Struggles

Milton S. Hershey was born on September 13, 1857, in a small farming family in Derry Township, Pennsylvania. His early life was fraught with challenges; his family faced constant financial difficulties, and he received little formal education due to frequent relocations. His father, Henry Hershey, was a dreamer who often moved from one business venture to another, causing financial instability and inconsistency in Milton’s education. Despite these hardships, his mother, Fanny Hershey, instilled in him the values of hard work, perseverance, and thrift. Milton’s early experiences of instability and hard labor shaped his character, teaching him the resilience and determination that would later define his career.

First Business Ventures

Lancaster Caramel Company

Milton Hershey’s first steps into the candy business were marked by a series of challenges and failures. At the age of 14, he began an apprenticeship with a local confectioner, Joseph Royer, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he learned the basics of candy making. In 1876, he attempted to start his own candy business in Philadelphia, but it failed after six years. Undeterred, he moved to Denver, Chicago, and New York City, trying and failing in various candy ventures. Each failure, however, provided valuable lessons.

In 1886, Milton returned to Lancaster and founded the “Lancaster Caramel Company”. Using fresh milk in his caramels, which was an innovative approach at the time, he finally achieved success. His caramels became popular, and his business flourished, allowing him to pay off his debts and build a solid foundation for future endeavors.

The Birth of Hershey Chocolate Company

The pivotal moment in Milton Hershey’s career came when he discovered the potential of chocolate manufacturing. In 1893, during the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, he was captivated by the German chocolate-making machinery on display. Realizing the potential of chocolate, he decided to pivot from caramels to chocolate.

He sold the “Lancaster Caramel Company” for $1 million in 1900, a substantial sum at the time, and used the proceeds to focus entirely on chocolate production. In 1894, he established the “Hershey Chocolate Company”. Perfecting the milk chocolate formula was a challenging and time-consuming process, but Milton’s perseverance paid off. By 1900, he had developed a unique recipe for milk chocolate that was not only delicious but also affordable for the average person. This breakthrough led to the mass production of Hershey’s chocolate bars, making chocolate an everyday treat rather than a luxury.

Building the Town of Hershey

Milton Hershey had a grand vision that extended beyond making chocolate. He wanted to create a model town for his employees that would provide them with a high quality of life. In 1903, he founded Hershey, Pennsylvania, a town built around his new chocolate factory. Hershey provided his workers with modern homes, an excellent school system, a public transportation network, and extensive recreational facilities, including parks, a zoo, and a swimming pool. He also established a community center and a theater, ensuring that his employees and their families had access to cultural and social activities. This holistic approach to employee welfare was revolutionary at the time and reflected Milton’s deep commitment to improving the lives of those who worked for him. His philanthropic approach to business set a new standard for corporate responsibility and community development.

Innovations and Expansion

Under Milton Hershey’s leadership, the Hershey Chocolate Company experienced rapid growth and expansion. One of his most significant innovations was the introduction of the Hershey’s Kiss in 1907. These bite-sized pieces of chocolate quickly became popular due to their distinctive shape and affordable price.

The Hershey Chocolate Company continued to expand its product line, introducing a variety of chocolate bars, cocoa products, and baking goods. Milton Hershey’s strategic decisions, such as investing in advertising and developing efficient production methods, helped the company reach a broad market. His commitment to quality and affordability made Hershey’s chocolate a household name, enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. The success of his company not only transformed the confectionery industry but also made Milton Hershey one of the most respected and admired businessmen of his time.

Philanthropy and Legacy

Milton Hershey’s success allowed him to give back to society in profound ways. In 1909, he and his wife, Catherine, established the Milton Hershey School for orphaned boys. The school provided free education, housing, and care for children in need, reflecting Milton’s values and commitment to helping others. After Catherine’s death, Milton dedicated even more resources to the school, ensuring its growth and sustainability. Today, the Milton Hershey School continues to operate, serving thousands of students and embodying the spirit of its founders.

Milton Hershey’s philanthropic efforts extended beyond education; he also funded the construction of a hospital, community centers, and other public amenities in the town of Hershey. His legacy of generosity and community-building has left a lasting impact on Hershey, Pennsylvania, and beyond, demonstrating the enduring power of compassion and social responsibility.

Milton S. Hershey’s journey from a struggling farm boy to a chocolate king is a testament to the power of resilience, innovation, and philanthropy. His story shows how determination and vision can lead to extraordinary success, and his contributions to the confectionery industry and society have left an enduring legacy. Milton Hershey’s life remains an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and a powerful example of the positive impact one person can have on the world. Through his innovative spirit and unwavering commitment to his employees and community, Milton Hershey transformed the simple pleasure of chocolate into a global phenomenon, proving that even the most modest beginnings can lead to greatness.

